Mr. Siri stands as a distinguished recipient of the prestigious Thurairaja Gold Medal, the highest honor awarded to the finest student at the University of Jaffna. His unwavering dedication and his ambitious aspirations set him apart as an individual with a resolute focus on achieving significant accomplishments in his life. He holds a degree in Media from the University of Jaffna.

Originating from the war-torn Mullaitivu District, at the very epicenter of the civil conflict, Mr. Siri has emerged as a triumphant figure. His personal journey is marked by his resilience in the face of bombings and shelling, bearing witness to the devastating final stages of the war in Mullivaaikkal village, where thousands of lives were tragically lost.

With his outstanding academic performance, securing the Thurairaja Gold Medal, Mr. Siri qualified to work for a two-year project conducted by the Faculty of Media & Translation Studies at the University of Jaffna on building the skills of youth in Mullaitivu district. As an active and engaged member of his community, he has dedicated his time and efforts to rallying community involvement in development programs. In his youth, he spearheaded the organization of inter-village sports events within his community and also, in the district.

Mr. Siri possesses a limitless enthusiasm for learning and a strong motive to explore new avenues that contribute to his personal and professional growth. Over the past two years, he has undergone training in leadership, peace building, and business management, further enhancing his skillset and knowledge.

Mr. Antony Jesuratnam Siri